Wednesday 30 March 2011

Action Adventure overview

Exam arrangements

Pre release papers to be released on Wednesday 18th May at 10am ( after your citizenship exam) in the Media Studio.
You then have 4 weeks to prepare for the exam on Monday 13th June pm

Tuesday 15 March 2011

work for Wednesday 16th March

Look at this site 
Read and make notes on the genre.
Pick out 10 key facts that you weren't aware of before reading this to report back to the class.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Unit 1 External Assessment

40% of overall mark
1 hour 30 minute exam, responding to 4 unseen tasks

Monday 13th June pm
The brief will be given out on Monday 16th May and will give you a contextualised scenario

Friday 14 January 2011

Codes and Conventions of Characters

Codes and Conventions of Narrative

Define Genre

Task: Create a poster for an Action/Adventure film

Ensure you follow the poster conventions for your own artefact. 
The major forms and conventions of film posters could include: 

A large title which attracts the eye, bold colours which stand out 
from the background, intriguing picture which would attract viewers to 
the film, persuasive language which might persuade the viewers to go 
and see the film, using the main character's name for promotion, and 
the certification will either to ensure that the right type of people 
are watching the film. 

Try using either the rule of thirds or the triangle of interest as a format for your work. Have a look at this site for more information about how to use the rule of thirds. 

A successful film poster will accomplish attracting the target 
audience and persuade them to come and watch the film